Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Losers: A loser of a movie

When I saw the trailer for this movie last year, I didn’t think it looked half bad. But it was then that the reviews came out saying that it was meant for thirteen-year olds and not that good. Being fourteen, I decided to skip it. I recently revisited the movie and am proud to say that the reviews give it more credit than it deserves.

The Losers is about a ragtag gang of men who I think were soldiers. The plot is never truly well explained, but I’ll do the best I can. At one point all of these men are betrayed by their boss, Max, and are thought to be dead by the public. A while later, Zoe Saldana pops in to ask the leader (Jeffery Dean Morgan) if he and his team will track down Max for her. The rest is nonsensical and cliché. From gunfights to more betrayals, this movie follows the book so well I almost predicted every second.

The acting is nothing special. Everyone involved seems to do an alright job. The only standout performer here is Zoe Saldana. She plays the sexy and gunslinging girl well, but doesn’t take it too far. Jeffery Dean Morgan was I name I hadn’t heard. In fact, watching the movie, I thought the actor was Gerard Butler, and that’s just how bad he was. I laughed twice during this movie: One time I chuckled at a joke, the other time was when I broke out laughing due to Butl- sorry I mean Morgan’s horrible delivery during what was supposed to be a serious moment. The rest of the characters and their respective actors are forgettable.

The writing is somewhat off kilter. I felt as if the movie was trying to be juvenile and adult at the same time. There were moments when people were having a serious conversation or a great action sequence, and then someone breaks out a horrible “yo mama” joke. Maybe some pre-teens would laugh at that, but even this youngster had a confused look on his face. The direction in this movie is nothing more than moving the camera around a scene. I swore I was just watching a dream I had when I was twelve, but with awkward camera angles.

The Losers is not a good movie. There are random sensual scenes, people getting shot and then doing parkour stunts, and just plain alright acting. If your kid wants some mindless action, give them this movie and they might be glued to a screen for a mere hour-and-a-half. 3/10

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